Pre-column fluorescent derivatization has been used for the fast quantification of amino acids using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. However, it generally requires an offline in-vial derivatization process with multiple derivatization reagents. The offline derivatization requires the same number of reaction vials as the number of sample vials for use as a reaction chamber for the derivatization reaction in an autosampler. Therefore, the number of samples analyzed per batch using the pre-column derivatization method is halved. To benefit from the pre-column derivatization method, we transformed the derivatization process from an offline chamber process to an online in-needle process (in-needle Pre-column Derivatization for Amino acids Quantification; iPDAQ). Fluorescent derivatization in the injection needle obviated the need for vacant vials as reaction chambers. Consequently, the throughput per batch improved up to two times, and the consumption of derivatization reagents was reduced to less than one-tenth of that in the conventional vial method. We demonstrated to separate and quantify the amino acids in various biological samples. Herein, we presented a novel HPLC-based amino acid quantification method that enables the continuous analysis of a large number of samples. The iPDAQ facilitates accurate amino acid quantification due to the automation of derivatization and achieves improvement in the throughput and reduction of analysis labor.

Pyruvate is a key intermediate that is involved in various synthetic metabolic pathways for microbial chemical and fuel production. It is widely used in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. However, the microbial production of pyruvate and its derivatives compete with microbial cell growth, as pyruvate is an important metabolic intermediate that serves as a hub for various endogenous metabolic pathways, including gluconeogenesis, amino acid synthesis, TCA cycle, and fatty acid biosynthesis. To achieve a more efficient bioprocess for the production of pyruvate and its derivatives, it is necessary to reduce the metabolic imbalance between cell growth and target chemical production. For this purpose, we devised a dynamic metabolic engineering strategy within an Escherichia coli model, in which a metabolic toggle switch (MTS) was employed to redirect metabolic flux from the endogenous pathway toward the target synthetic pathway. Through a combination of TCA cycle interruption through MTS and reduction of pyruvate consumption in endogenous pathways, we achieved a drastic improvement (163 mM, 26-fold) in pyruvate production. In addition, we demonstrated the redirection of metabolic flux from excess pyruvate toward isobutanol production. The final isobutanol production titer of the strain harboring MTS was 26% improved compared with that of the control strain.

Produced β-hydroxybutyrate after β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) administration may contribute HMB function in mice
β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) is an intermediate in the metabolism of the branched-chain amino acid leucine. HMB has several demonstrated effects on skeletal muscle function, some of which are contradictory. In addition, the effect of exogenous HMB intake on the levels of intermediate metabolites is not known. Therefore, we investigated changes in HMB metabolites after oral HMB administration in mice. First, ICR mice were treated with either distilled water or HMB (0.215 g/10 mL/kg). Sampling was performed at 0, 1, 6, 12, and 24 h after administration. Next, ICR mice were given distilled water or HMB (0.215 g/10 mL/kg/d) for 10 d. Mice given HMB shown a significant increase in liver β-methylcrotonyl-CoA and increased β-hydroxybutyrate in plasma and the gastrocnemius muscle 1 h after HMB administration. Mice administered HMB for 10 d showed significantly decreased food intake and body weight; however, the relative weight of the gastrocnemius muscle was significantly increased. These results may be attributed to an increase in β-hydroxybutyrate resulting from exogenous HMB, since β-hydroxybutyrate inhibits food intake and suppresses skeletal muscle catabolism. In conclusion, β-hydroxybutyrate, a metabolite of HMB, was found to play an important role in the function of HMB.

Quantitative metabolomics for dynamic metabolic engineering using stable isotope labeled internal standards mixture (SILIS)
The production of chemicals and fuels from renewable resources using engineered microbes is an attractive alternative for current fossil-dependent industries. Metabolic engineering has contributed to pathway engineering for the production of chemicals and fuels by various microorganisms. Recently, dynamic metabolic engineering harnessing synthetic biological tools has become a next-generation strategy in this field. The dynamic regulation of metabolic flux during fermentation optimizes metabolic states according to each fermentation stage such as cell growth phase and compound production phase. However, it is necessary to repeat the evaluation and redesign of the dynamic regulation system to achieve the practical use of engineered microbes. In this study, we performed quantitative metabolome analysis to investigate the effects of dynamic metabolic flux regulation on engineered Escherichia coli for γ-amino butyrate (GABA) fermentation. We prepared a stable isotope-labeled internal standard mixture (SILIS) for the stable isotope dilution method (SIDM), a mass spectrometry-based quantitative metabolome analysis method. We found multiple candidate bottlenecks for GABA production. Some metabolic reactions in the GABA production pathway should be engineered for further improvement in the direct GABA fermentation with dynamic metabolic engineering strategy.

Design of Synthetic Quorum Sensing Achieving Induction Timing-Independent Signal Stabilization for Dynamic Metabolic Engineering of E. coli
Dynamic metabolic engineering that harnesses synthetic biological tools is a next-generation strategy for microbial chemical and fuel production. We previously reported a synthetic quorum sensing system combined with a metabolic toggle switch (QS-MTS) in E. coli. It autonomously redirected endogenous metabolic flux toward the synthetic metabolic pathway and improved biofuel production. However, its functions and effects on host metabolism were attenuated by induction timing delay. Here, we redesigned the QS-MTS to stabilize QS signaling efficiency and metabolic regulation. We performed a metabolome analysis to clarify the effects of QS-MTS redesign on host metabolism. We compared the contributions of conventional and redesigned QS-MTS to fed-batch fermentation. The redesigned QS-MTS was more conducive than the conventional QS-MTS to long-term processes such as fed-batch fermentation. Here, we present a circuit redesign for metabolic flux control based on dynamic characteristic evaluation and metabolome analysis.

Metabolic alteration of Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath during a microbial gas-phase reaction
This study demonstrates the metabolic alteration of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath), a representative bacterium among methanotrophs, in microbial gas-phase reactions. For comparative metabolome analysis, a bioreactor was designed to be capable of supplying gaseous substrates and liquid nutrients continuously. Methane degradation by M. capsulatus (Bath) was more efficient in a gas-phase reaction operated in the bioreactor than in an aqueous phase reaction operated in a batch reactor. Metabolome analysis revealed remarkable alterations in the metabolism of cells in the gas-phase reaction; in particular, pyruvate, 2-ketoglutarate, some amino acids, xanthine, and hypoxanthine were accumulated, whereas 2,6-diaminopimelate was decreased. Based on the results of metabolome analysis, cells in the gas-phase reaction seemed to alter their metabolism to reduce the excess ATP and NADH generated upon increased availability of methane and oxygen. Our findings will facilitate the development of efficient processes for methane-based bioproduction with low energy consumption.

Calibration-Curve-Locking Database for Semi-Quantitative Metabolomics by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Calibration-Curve-Locking Databases (CCLDs) have been constructed for automatic compound search and semi-quantitative screening by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in several fields. CCLD felicitates the semi-quantification of target compounds without calibration curve preparation because it contains the retention time (RT), calibration curves, and electron ionization (EI) mass spectra, which are obtained under stable apparatus conditions. Despite its usefulness, there is no CCLD for metabolomics. Herein, we developed a novel CCLD and semi-quantification framework for GC/MS-based metabolomics. All analytes were subjected to GC/MS after derivatization under stable apparatus conditions using (1) target tuning, (2) RT locking technique, and (3) automatic derivatization and injection by a robotic platform. The RTs and EI mass spectra were obtained from an existing authorized database. A quantifier ion and one or two qualifier ions were selected for each target metabolite. The calibration curves were obtained as plots of the peak area ratio of the target compounds to an internal standard versus the target compound concentration. These data were registered in a database as a novel CCLD. We examined the applicability of CCLD for analyzing human plasma, resulting in time-saving and labor-saving semi-qualitative screening without the need for standard substances.

Synthetic microbial consortium with specific roles designated by genetic circuits for cooperative chemical production
Synthetic microbial consortia consisting of microorganisms with different synthetic genetic circuits or divided synthetic metabolic pathway components can exert functions that are beyond the capacities of single microorganisms. However, few consortia of microorganisms with different synthetic genetic circuits have been developed. We designed and constructed a synthetic microbial consortium composed of an enzyme-producing strain and a target chemical-producing strain using Escherichia coli for chemical production with efficient saccharification. The enzyme-producing strain harbored a synthetic genetic circuit to produce beta-glucosidase, which converts cellobiose to glucose, destroys itself via the lytic genes, and release the enzyme when the desired cell density is reached. The target chemical-producing strain was programmed by a synthetic genetic circuit to express enzymes in the synthetic metabolic pathway for isopropanol production when the enzyme-producing strain grows until release of the enzyme. Our results demonstrate the benefits of synthetic microbial consortia with distributed tasks for effective chemical production from biomass.